CLASS VIII - Science - Lesson 2

Project Based Learning
Sample – Lesson 2
2.1 Essential Question:

Am I a child or a grown up???

2.2 Grouping Strategy:
Team will comprise 10  students of mixed ability and skills.A heterogenous group would be selected which will comprise students who are cooperative, good leadership quality, good computing skill, good in data interpretation. Ability to discover facts ,keen in data collection and compiling the survey report. Higher ability students and lower ability students both will be incorporated and work would be divided among them.

2.3 Learning Environment:
Furnitures arranged for group work in the class room,
Assembly area for doing compiling work and interaction with the peers
Medical room for measuring height
Computer lab for doing online work.
Recording data in papers and log book entry in book
Some collaboration between students will take place through email/blog

2.4Assessment Approach
2.41 Authentic Assessment:
Authentic tasks such as
  1. Measuring the height of the class mates.
  2. Answering the questionnaire on the changes during adolescence.
  3. Compiling the information gathered.
  4. Talk on hygiene and healthy diet for teenagers by the doctor.
  5. Community lunch for understanding the importance of nutritive food during adolescence.

2.42 Formative Assessment:
Regular feedback on
Data compilation
Questionnaire and survey
Information gathered
Maintenance of log book

2.43 Summative Assessment:
Assessment will be conducted on
      • Reasons for emotional ,mental and intellectual changes
      • Conclusion from the data reports
      • Importance  of health and hygiene in adolescence

2.44 Rubrics:

Data Collection
Data taken several times in a careful, reliable manner.
Data taken twice in a careful, reliable manner.
Data taken once in a careful, reliable manner.
Data not taken carefully OR not taken in a reliable manner.
Information Gathering
Accurate information taken from several sources in a systematic manner.
Accurate information taken from a couple of sources in a systematic manner.
Accurate information taken from a couple of sources but not systematically.
Information taken from only one source and/or information not accurate.
Scientific Knowledge
Explanations by all group members indicate a clear and accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.
Explanations by all group members indicate a relatively accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.
Explanations by most group members indicate relatively accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.
Explanations by several members of the group do not illustrate much understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.
Clear evidence of troubleshooting, testing, and refinements based on data or scientific principles.
Clear evidence of troubleshooting, testing and refinements.
Some evidence of troubleshooting, testing and refinements.
Little evidence of troubleshooting, testing or refinement.
Journal/Log - Appearance
Several entries made and all are dated and neatly.
Several entries are made and most of the entries are dated and neatly entered.
Several entries are made and most of the entries are dated and legible.
Few entries are made AND/OR many entries are not dated or very difficult to read.

2.45 Grading:
Project grades will be based on a combination of scores from assessments made during the project. Rubric will be used to compile grades.

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