CLASS VIII - Science - Lesson 3

Project Based Learning
Sample – Lesson 3- Plan Phase
3.1 Work Breakdown, Products and Milestones:

Classroom instruction: General introduction of the project which the students have to perform
Select student groups (student groups)Heterogenous   group
Research: Self/online / library
Class activity: Asking questions to their peer group
                         Compiling the report
                         Talk by a health specialist
Survey:  Questionnaire for the peers
Activity: Measuring the height of the class mates and noting the difference .
               Calculation for full height using the formula
               Finding the mood swings during adolescence
               Emotional difference
               Knowing the importance of hygiene for adolescent.
Paper or PPt Presentation: On the changes during adolescence.
Celebration: community  lunch of nutritive food

3.2 Role definitions:
Project leader: Teacher
Researcher  and surveyor: Students
Health specialist : For giving lecture on hygiene and adolescent health.
Presentation author
Presenter : Team leaders.

3.3 Task schedule:
Project start date 4th August 2016
Project end date 31st August 2016
Activity: Questionnaire for the peer group,
                Measuring height
                Talk on hygiene and  health.

3.4Special Activities Plan:
Talk by the doctor to the students giving information on how to take care of health and hygiene during adolescence on  18/8/16

Community lunch: __26/8/16

Paper presentation or ppt presentation -  28/8/16
3.5Resources Plan:
Computer lab:
Collecting information about hormonal changes during adolescence
Compiling the information and typing it.
Final compilation of the report
Paper presentation or ppt presentation

Reference of books for adolescence
Reference of books

3.6 Direct Instruction:
Instructions to be given: 1) Measurement of height.
                                           2)Emotional changes and mood changes.
                                           3) Health and hygiene in adolescence.
                                          4) Paper presentation or ppt presentation.

Survey  : Based on peers’s height measurement.
               Compilation with the help of questionnaire
               Hormonal changes during adolescence.

3.7 Reviews and checkpoints:

Meeting of the group members everyday for 10 minutes during science period where discussion of the everyday work done will be done

3.8 Assessment plan:
Describe the balanced assessment plan for the project. List products that will be assessed during the project. List rubrics that need to be created before project launch.
Authentic Assessment : Compilation of height measurement data, questionnaire survey, information on hygiene and health in adolescent
Formative assessment : Collection of data,
                                           Information gathering
                                           Scientific knowledge
                                           Maintenance of log book.
Data Collection
Data taken several times in a careful, reliable manner.
Data taken twice in a careful, reliable manner.
Data taken once in a careful, reliable manner.
Data not taken carefully OR not taken in a reliable manner.
Information Gathering
Accurate information taken from several sources in a systematic manner.
Accurate information taken from a couple of sources in a systematic manner.
Accurate information taken from a couple of sources but not systematically.
Information taken from only one source and/or information not accurate.
Scientific Knowledge
Explanations by all group members indicate a clear and accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.
Explanations by all group members indicate a relatively accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.
Explanations by most group members indicate relatively accurate understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.
Explanations by several members of the group do not illustrate much understanding of scientific principles underlying the construction and modifications.
Clear evidence of troubleshooting, testing, and refinements based on data or scientific principles.
Clear evidence of troubleshooting, testing and refinements.
Some evidence of troubleshooting, testing and refinements.
Little evidence of troubleshooting, testing or refinement.
Journal/Log - Appearance
Several entries made and all are dated and neatly.
Several entries are made and most of the entries are dated and neatly entered.
Several entries are made and most of the entries are dated and legible.
Few entries are made AND/OR many entries are not dated or very difficult to read.

Summative Assessment- will be conducted on questions from:
      • Reasons for emotional ,mental and intellectual changes
      • Conclusion from the data reports
      • Importance  of health and hygiene in adolescence

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